George Edwards: 18th century engravings of ducks and wading birds

George Edwards: 18th century engravings of ducks and wading birds

Code: 10375

$1,650.00 set of 12 Approx £1314.74

George Edwards: "A History of Uncommon Birds", 1749-1761.

A prominent English naturalist and ornithologist, George Edwards (1694 -1773) is best known for his work, "A Natural History of Uncommon Birds", which he published between 1743 and 1761 whilst Librarian to the Royal College of Physicians in London. It contains coloured engravings and descriptions of more than six hundred species "not before described or delineated" and introduced an English audience to many exotic birds from Europe, Asia and North and South America. Beautifully coloured, many by his own hand, Edwards' engravings have great charm and an enduring appeal.

Presented in parcel-gilt, hand-made decalcomania frames. 

Framed size:  398 x 348mm (15 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches).

